Saturday 9 July 2011

Germany wins Falsterbo Nations Cup leg

The victorious German team.
By FEI/Lotta Gyllensten
By Louise Parkes

It was a case of mission accomplished for the German team at Falsterbo, Sweden, yesterday (8 July 2011) when they won the fourth leg of the FEI Nations Cup 2011 and consequently rocketed up the series leaderboard to third place.
In a thrilling competition in which the defending double-champions France shared runner-up spot with the host nation as, at last, the pendulum of good fortune began to swing back in its direction. The Dutch had to settle for fourth ahead of the Irish in fifthm while the USA clinched sixth place.

The withdrawal of Tim Stockdale and Fresh Direct Kalico Bay left the British vulnerable in the second round and in seventh at the end of the day despite otherwise consistently good performances. The Belgians finished eighth with a big score of 47 faults on an afternoon they will probably not care to remember. It was an even more difficult day for the Danes, who finished last and are now so far behind at the bottom of the league table that it seems nothing can save them from relegation.

Punished in the first round by the elimination of anchorman Thomas Velin, who seemed at odds with his long-time ride Godsend du Reverdy, their chances were completely crushed when Tina Lund's Qrispy D Ive Z simply refused to take part in the second round.

Marco Kutscher and Cash.
By FEI/Lotta Gyllensten
Level pegging
The Germans and Swedes were in the lead on level pegging with just four faults apiece at the end of the round one. They were followed closely by the Irish carrying eight and then the French with 12, the Dutch 13, the USA 15 and the British 16.

Denmark and Belgium were already trailing the field with 25 and 27 faults respectively, the 34 faults collected by last-line-rider Jan Vinckier (Ursela) seriously compromising Belgian chances. But to say he was unfortunate second time out would be a complete understatement.

The triple combination - vertical, oxer, vertical - at fence eight was the bogey of the day, but Ursela had lowered only the previous oxer before she slipped on landing over the second element of the treble and slid to a stop in front of the third.

Persistent rain throughout the opening round had necessitated the movement of some fences to better ground, but it still proved increasingly challenging as the competition progressed.

At the sharp end however, Marco Kutscher's second clear with Cash bolstered Germany's chances, while Malin Baryard-Johnsson and H&M Tornesch matched that to keep the host country in the frame. Germany looked to have lost the advantage when Thomas Voss and Carinjo 9 returned with one down. But, Sweden's Angelika Augustsson left two on the floor at the end of the course with the fizzy mare Mic Mac du Tillard, The 24-year-old rider had to steer her way home without stirrups over the final three fences after an awkward moment following the big open water.

So when Germany's third-line partnership of Carsten-Otto Nagel and the lovely grey mare Corradina jumped clear there was huge pressure on Sweden's Peder Fredricson (H&M Arctic Aurura Borealis), and the gods were not smiling on him. Like Jan and Ursela, they jumped into the triple combination only to slip after the second element and, despite completing their round, their 10 penalties proved much too expensive. German anchorman Ludger Beerbaum did not have to return to the ring with Gotha as, despite a fabulous double-clear from Sweden's Olympic silver medal winning duo Rolf-Goran Bengtsson and Ninja la Silla, the Swedes had to settle for joint-second with the French.

Sense of relief
For French chef d'equipe Henk Nooren and his team of Penelope Leprevost (Topinambour), Simon Delestre (Napoli du Ry), Kevin Staut (Silvana de Hus) and Michel Robert (Kellemoi de Pepita) there was a sense of relief that at last their run of bad luck has come to an end. And this result has moved them a little further away from the danger-zone at the bottom of the leaderboard.

But they are only 2.5 points ahead of the Americans who lie second-last, with only the Danes behind them at this halfway stage of the series. Despite a fabulous first-round clear from Christine McCrea and Romantovich Take One and a second-round clean sheet from Charlie Jayne and Athena, the US completed with 23 faults.

The Irish were well-pleased at the end of the day having sent out a team of completely new horses and a rider who was making her debut at this level of the sport. Nicola FitzGibbon, 23, proved the wisdom of Robert Splaine's selection however when she lowered only one fence over two classy rounds with her great gelding Puissance.

The Dutch, double-winners at Rome and St Gallen, survived a bad day for Albert Zoer and Sam to still complete with a relatively low scoreline. Team manager Rob Ehrens will be hoping to pick up where he left off when the eight competing nations arrive in Aachen (GER) for the notoriously tough fifth leg of the series next Thursday evening.

Comfortable position
For Germany, the result leaves them in a much more comfortable position ahead of their home fixture.

"This has been a big result for us," said chef d'equipe Heinrich Hermann Engemann. "We needed the points to go up the rankings, because it is absolutely key for us to stay in this Top League. We are really happy to have won here with the weather conditions - it's a really good sign for us ahead of Aachen."

Carsten Otto Nagel and Ludger Beerbaum, Marcus Ehning and Christian Ahlmann are on his team for next week.

Wet going
The ground played a significant role in today's competition. It has always been part of the Nations Cup tradition that horses and riders prove tough enough to cope with whatever nature has in store for them, and the German horses did so admirably.

"I had a very good feeling with my horse," said Marco Kutscher, who produced one of the three double-clear performances of the day. "Cash's experience was very much needed considering the conditions we had to ride in today. The ground in particular wasn't perfect, but he handled it really well."

Rolf Goran-Bengttson and Ninja La
Silla. By FEI/Lotta Gyllensten
And for Sweden, it was also an important day. Relegated from the Top League at the end of last season, the Swedes have been working hard to re-qualify through the Promotional League series which they are currently leading due to a number of excellent performances.

They want nothing more than to be back at the top end of this sport and truly enjoyed their guest appearance at top level this afternoon.

"I'm really satisfied after today," said Swedish chef d'equipe Sylve Soderstrand.

They didn't earn any FEI Nations Cup points, but the Swedes proved what they wanted to: that they are on their way back.

For full results, click here

FEI Nations Cup 2011 standings
1. Netherlands - 29.5
2. Ireland - 24.0
3. Germany - 21.0
4. Belgium - 20.0
5. Great Britain - 19.0
6. France - 18.0
7. USA - 15.5
8. Denmark - 5.0

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