Friday 17 June 2011

Alicia Keen wins NAF Shining Star Award

Alicia Keen, 13, has been awarded the NAF Shing Star Award for May. She is a has been a regular member of British Showjumping's Northamptonshire Junior Academy since 2010 and was nominated for this award by lead coach Mia Korenika.

Mia nominated Alicia as her commitment to her ponies and the sport go above and beyond the call of duty and the hours of care and dedication she puts in around her schooling is phenomenal.

Words from the winner
"To receive the NAF Shining Star Award was such a fantastic surprise, as to be awarded for something that I love doing is unbelievable" said Alicia.

Tracey Lloyd of NAF (Natural Animal Feeds) said: "We are so delighted to be supporting British Showjumping’s young, enthusiastic talent, who want to improve their standard of riding and horsemanship to further their progression in the sport. And also the coaches who go that extra mile to encourage the development of riding standards in the junior membership."

The award
The NAF Shinning Star Award was introduced when NAF became a British Showjumping business partner. The award is for members of a Junior Academy who have shown a great deal of commitment, progression and outstanding behaviour, along with their riding ability and much more. Riders are nominated by their lead coach and then judged and awarded by NAF to one person each month.

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